


Our Mission is to maintain our friendship, to make it broader and wider knowledge in terms of chatting... To make more friends and gain respect to other people around the world... And to promote stronghold of Friendship and to develop one's talent by sharing it to others…


Watch out for more of our Bar... As we all know, back home..our beloved country Philippines is a very beautiful place to live with...but due to poverty and lack of job oppurtunities, even its hard for us to leave, sometimes we don't have a choice, But to go and find a green pasture for us to live.......Inspite of that..We love our country,and our people....." there's no place like home guys...."...Marami tayong kababayan na nag hihirap,nahihirapan at nagugutom....pag kakataon na nating makatulong....We will build a foundation (charity works) for our beloved countrymen..we will help them to alleviate abot lang ng ating makakaya.....Hope you guys will support this......thanks so much in advance........MABUHAY KAYO!!!! ( piolo )

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